Disaster Corps



The CaliforniaVolunteers Disaster Corps is a first-in-the-nation effort to harness the power and passion of Californians to ensure our communities are safer, stronger and more resilient. CaliforniaVolunteers developed the Disaster Corps program and the Disaster Volunteer Resource Inventory to integrate volunteer resources into the state’s emergency management system.

What is CaliforniaVolunteers Disaster Corps?

  • A cadre of 1,000 government-affiliated volunteers that meet Disaster Corps training, typing, certification, and security screening guidelines.
  • Disaster Corps volunteers represent a mutual aid resource that can be utilized statewide.
  • All program participants will have received a Department of Justice/FBI background check and First Aid/CPR training.

Disaster Corps volunteers will be registered by their local government organization under the Disaster Service Worker Volunteer Program, which provides worker’s compensation coverage for volunteers.

For more information about the program please visit CaliforniaVolunteers.ca.gov.

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How Do I Get Involved?

Thank you for your interest in the Disaster Corps Program. Currently, the program is designed for the CERT Programs in San Diego County and the San Diego County Sheriff's Department Auxiliary Communications Service (ACS).

For more information, contact:

Email: oes@sdcounty.ca.gov 
Tel: (858) 565-3490

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