Contract Search

For help finding contracts, or for contracts before March 1, 2015, please email or call 858-505-6367. 

DPC Contracts Library

Contracts awarded as of March 1, 2015 are published through this content library. Search results may contain awarded contracts after July 1, 2014. If you cannot find a contract or wish to obtain contract documents before July 1, 2014, please contact the Department of Purchasing & Contracting at: 858-505-6367. To search for Solicitations that have been posted to BuyNet, please click here.

Term Contracts Expiring in the Next Year. To see a list of term contracts expiring over the next year, please click here. This list of expiring term contracts is provided as reference only. Contracts may end before the listed date. Not all ending contracts will be rebid or may be rebid with an amended scope. 

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