Clean Mobility

Zero emission vehicles (ZEV) are critical to the development of a clean mobility network. ZEVs are vehicles that run on fuels other than gasoline and include a variety of low- to no-emission technologies including battery electric vehicles (EV), plug-in hybrid EVs (PHEV), and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. These vehicles lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, improve air quality, and offer a cost competitive option to gasoline-powered vehicles due to lower fuel and maintenance costs. Despite these benefits, barriers to ZEV market growth have historically included concerns related to vehicle range limitations, up front vehicle cost, and charging infrastructure availability.

Moving California to Zero Emissions: Vehicle Electrification

California is a national leader in vehicle electrification strategies that reduce GHG emissions and air pollution. Several policies and incentives have spurred the ZEV market in the state. As a result, there were nearly 1.7 million ZEVs on California roads by the end of October 2023, making up nearly 41% of total ZEVs in the US. It is expected that 100% of new passenger vehicles sold in the state will be ZEV by 2035 due to Executive Order N-79-20, which was signed on September 23, 2020.

Regional partnerships, policies, and programs helped to spur ZEV adoption in the county from the early stages of the vehicle electrification movement, making the San Diego region a market leader in ZEV sales and usage. However, significant investment in ZEV charging infrastructure is still needed to meet our state and local greenhouse gas reduction goals, further reduce air pollution in our region, and meet projected demand.

County of San Diego Efforts

The County of San Diego (County) is committed to doing its part to increase the number of ZEVs on the road and improve access to charging infrastructure to provide clean transportation options for all residents. This important work protects the public’s health and safety, sustains the environment, and improves the quality of life for residents and visitors.

Electric vehicle
EV parking

Efforts to transition to cleaner vehicles that emit zero GHG emissions are an important strategy for the County to achieve GHG reduction goals and greater sustainability for the region.