Electric Vehicle Charging Options

There are three options for your EV charging needs – home charging, public charging, and charging at work.
Because charging at home can be convenient and inexpensive, most EV drivers do more than 80% of their charging at home. In San Diego county, this allows residents to take advantage of special EV electricity plans to help save money.
Public and worksite charging can help you charge on the go, allowing you to fill your battery while you’re out running errands, on a road trip, or at work. Depending on the location, the cost and payment options of using these public stations will vary, including free, pay-as-you-go, or subscription-based services.
The type and technology of EV charging station used for home, public, and workplace charging can vary. EV charging stations deliver alternating current (Level 1 and 2 chargers) or direct current (DC fast charger) power to EV batteries at a rate dependent on the vehicle’s battery technology and the type of charger.
You’ll need to know which charging connector your EV uses - J1772, CHAdeMO, CCS, NACS - to find the right charging station and adapter to use to properly charge up your vehicle. Check your vehicle manufacturer to determine which connector to use.
In the future, EVs may be able to help power your home or help businesses lower power bills with grid integration. Learn more about vehicle grid integration from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and California Energy Commission.
Level 1 – Standard Outlet
A portable Level 1 charger is typically included with a new EV
purchase and can be plugged in a standard household outlet (120 V).
With a charging rate of 4-6 miles per hour, a Level 1 charger can
provide a full charge to a mid-size vehicle in approximately 17-25
hours. A Level 1 charger provides the lowest hardware and installation
costs and is a great option for overnight home charging and, if
allowed, charging at work. This charging option is ideal for roundtrip
commutes under 40 miles.

4-6 miles/hour

Mid-size vehicle charge in 17-25 hours

Ideal for roundtrip commutes under 40 miles

Standard househould outlet

Residential use
Level 2 – 240 Volt Outlet
Level 2 chargers are sold separately from the car and have a wide range of charging speeds depending on the rate of electricity delivery. Averaging a charging rate of between 8 to 60 miles per hour, a Level 2 charger can provide a full charge to a mid-size passenger vehicle in approximately 3-8 hours. Level 2 chargers typically require an electrician to install, which increases installation costs. Level 2 chargers are used for both home and charging on the go at public locations.

8-60 miles/hour

Mid-size passenger vehicle charge in 3-8 hours

240V outlet

Residential and commercial installations
DC Fast Charge
DC fast chargers provide the fastest charging rate, on average providing a 100-mile range battery in approximately 30 minutes. New emerging technology in DC super-fast charging can deliver approximately 200 miles of range in about 10 minutes. Found at commercial and other public locations, these chargers most often require payment to use so it’s best to use these chargers when you have less flexibility. Not all EVs are capable of DC fast charging, so be sure to research this option when purchasing your EV. The network of DC fast chargers in the region and state is expected to grow as investments in EV technology continue.
Learn more about the options to charge your vehicle at home and in public.

100 miles/30 mins

Full charge in 40 minutes

Commercial use
Search for a Level 2 Charging Station for Your Home
If you are looking to purchase a Level 2 charger for your home, PlugStar offers an interactive, online shopping tool to help you find a charger to fit your needs and budget. You can search for chargers by vehicle make, price, hardware, and other features more, as well as learn about available incentives to make your Level 2 charger more affordable.
If you’ll need help with installation, find electricians in your area that have completed training certification in the installation of EV charging equipment.