Electric Vehicle Roadmap - Goal 3
Promote and incentivize County employee electric vehicle ownership
Targeted Outcome
Increase County employee electric vehicle (EV) ownership and use to reduce employee commute emissions.
As the fifth largest employer in the San Diego region in 2020, the County has potential for large reductions in commute emissions through the increase in County employee EV ownership.
The County promotes the benefits of driving an EV for personal and fleet use, hosts workplace charging challenges and EV ride-and-drive events, and partners with banks, credit unions, and dealerships to extend EV lending and pricing benefits to County employees.
- Created a tracking tool to actively monitor the reduction vehicle miles traveled from employee commutes as a result of telecommuting and alternative work schedules for the County’s over 19,000 employees.
- Avoided an estimated 5,315 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MTCO2e) from telecommuting and alternative work schedules in 2023, which is comparable to planting 87,884 tree seedlings grown for ten years. A total of 18,285,188 vehicle miles were avoided, resulting in a 26% reduction in vehicle miles traveled (VMT) compared to employees working in-office full time.
- Recognized as a Platinum Tier recipient in 2023 at SANDAG’s Diamond Awards, the highest award given for excellence in commute programs. The Program acknowledges employers across the region who develop and implement alternative commute programs.
- Incorporated an Employee Commute Program into the Draft 2024 Climate Action Plan to educate and incentivize employees to drive an EV and/or use alternative transportation modes, such as walking/rolling, biking, buses, shuttles, and carpools, to work.