Behavioral Health Services (BHS) is actively evolving engagement opportunities to align with recent State and federal policy changes as detailed in the January 24, 2025 Info Notice. Please visit this webpage to stay informed of upcoming activities that will be posted as event details become available. For questions regarding BHS Community engagement, please email

Connect with BHS

The County of San Diego (County) Behavioral Health Services (BHS) department encourages community feedback and ongoing stakeholder engagement. Explore this page to make a request, learn about advisory boards and councils, upcoming activities, and more.

Make a Request

Fill out the Community Request Form to request behavioral health materials, resources, or a professional speaker for an upcoming event. Any community members, groups, or organizations within San Diego County are welcome to submit a request.

Join an Upcoming Activity

Check back regularly for upcoming input sessions, events, town halls, workshops, or additional community conversations.

Elevate BH Workshop Flyer

March Events

Join us for a virtual Informational Session on March 20th to introduce a regional Behavioral Workforce Fund designed to help people enter, advance and stay in public behavioral health careers in San Diego County. This event will provide valuable insights into available scholarships and 0% loan options, as well as an opportunity to share feedback on the proposed programs. For full event details and registration information, please see the flyer.

April 2025 Input Sessions

April Events

The Policy Innovation Center is hosting a series of virtual Public Input Sessions on the Elevate Behavioral Health Workforce Fund, which will support four programs aimed at expanding workforce opportunities in County-funded Behavioral Health programs in San Diego County. These sessions will be held from April 1-4, 2025, and will cover program design, eligibility, contracting details, and more. For full event details and registration information, please see the flyer.

Meeting Topic Date Time Registration Link
RFP #1: Nurse Practitioner (NP) Expansion Grant Program  Tuesday, April 1, 2025  9AM-10AM
 Thursday, April 3, 2025  1PM-2PM
RFP #2: Behavioral Health Apprenticeship Network Program  Tuesday, April 1, 2025  1PM-2PM
 Thursday, April 3, 2025  9AM-10AM
RFP #3: Peer Support Training Grant Program  Wednesday, April 2, 2025   9AM-10AM
 Friday, April 4, 2025   1PM-2PM
RFP #4: Social Work, Counseling, and Therapy Internship Program  Wednesday, April 2, 2025  1PM-2PM
 Friday, April 4, 2025   9AM-10AM  

Ways to Engage

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  • Behavioral Health Advisory Board

    Behavioral Health Advisory Board

    The County’s Behavioral Health Advisory Board (BHAB) is a 20-member citizen board created as a result of state legislation. Members are appointed by the County Board of Supervisors. BHAB’s purpose is to review and evaluate the community’s behavioral health needs, services, programs, facilities, and procedures to ensure citizen and professional involvement in the planning process. In addition to BHAB’s regular monthly meeting, there are meetings held throughout the month that are open to the public with opportunities for public comment, reference the table below for more details. Members of the public may request to be added to an email distribution list to receive BHAB meeting notices.

    For more information on BHAB, including how to attend or participate, email BHS or call 619-563-2700.

    BHAB Meetings

    Meeting Date Time Meeting Format
    Behavioral Health Advisory Board Every 1st Thursday of the month 2:30pm-5:00pm

    In person and virtual options

    See the BHAB webpage for more information including meeting agenda

    Behavioral Health Advisory Board Executive Committee Every 3rd Thursday of the month 1:00pm-2:15pm

    In person and virtual options

    See the BHAB webpage for more information including meeting agenda

    Pathways to Continuum of Care for Children, Youth, and Adults Impacted by Alcohol and other Drugs Subcommittee Every 2nd Monday of the month 3:00pm-4:30pm

    Virtual meeting

    Click here to be added to the distribution list

    Re-entry Support for Justice-Involved Youth and Adults Subcommittee Every 4th Monday of the month 3:30pm-5:00pm

    Virtual meeting

    Click here to be added to the distribution list

  • BHS Stakeholder Engagement Opportunities

    BHS Stakeholder Enagagement Opportunities

    See below for more opportunities to connect and engage with the behavioral health community. BHS is modifying existing convenings and piloting new activities to create more inclusive options to connect with the department.

    For more information on BHS Councils and public convenings, including how to attend or participate, email BHS or call 619-563-2700.

    Meeting Date Time Meeting Format
    North County Community Leadership Team Every 1st Wednesday of the month 10am-12pm In-person
    East Region Behavioral Health Solutions Workgroup Every 3rd Thursday of the month 10:30am-12pm In-person
    North Central Behavioral Health Workgroup Every 2nd Wednesday of the month 11am-12:30pm In-person
    Central Region Health and Well-Being Workgroup Every 4th Monday of the month 1:30pm-3:30pm Locations and formats vary per month
    South Region Behavioral and Mental Health Workgroup Every 1st Wednesday of the month 9:30am-10:30am Virtual meeting
    NAMI Peer Council Every 3rd Tuesday of the month 2pm-3:30pm Virtual meeting
    North Inland Faith Based Partnership Council Bi-monthly, 2nd Thursday of the month 10:30am-12:30pm


    One Safe Place, 1050 Los Vallecitos Blvd, San Marcos, CA 92069

    Housing Council Bi-monthly (odd months), 1st Thursday of the month 11:30am-1pm Virtual meeting
    Cultural Competency Resource Team Every 1st Friday of the month 10am-11:30am Virtual meeting
    BHS System of Care Councils Coming soon
  • County Harm Reduction & Prevention Groups

    San Diego County Substance Use and Overdose Prevention Taskforce

    The San Diego County Substance Use and Overdose Prevention Taskforce unites the former Prescription Drug Abuse Task Force and Methamphetamine Strike Force under a new name and mission. Since May 2021, the Substance Use and Overdose Prevention Taskforce addresses the overuse and misuse of prescription and illicit drugs and works to prevent overdose deaths by engaging prevention, public health, public safety partners, other sector partners, and community members.

    The taskforce has multiple subcommittees and over 200 stakeholders and members who work collaboratively to change policies, practices, and norms to connect communities to prevention, harm reduction, and treatment resources. Contact BHS via email or by calling 619-563-2700 for more information on San Diego County Substance Use and Overdose Prevention Taskforce and subcommittee meetings.

    Taskforce Meetings at a Glance

    Meeting Meeting Cadence
    San Diego County Substance Use and Overdose Prevention Taskforce Meetings held quarterly; date and time varies
    NSW/Meth & Families/Prevention Committees Meetings held bi-monthly; date and time varies
    Safe Disposal Committee Meetings held twice yearly; date and time varies

    Alcohol Policy Panel of San Diego County

    The Alcohol Policy Panel is a coalition of community leaders from diverse sectors of San Diego County who convene to prevent binge and underage drinking through policy and advancement.

    The Marijuana Prevention Initiative

    The Marijuana Prevention Initiative works to reduce youth access to marijuana by increasing public awareness regarding the adverse effects resulting from youth marijuana use.

Explore BHS Student Opportunities

BHS has undergraduate and graduate student internship opportunities providing on-the-job training in a hands-on learning environment. See the BHS Student Opportunities page to learn more.

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Not sure where to start?

Call or text 9-8-8 or dial 1-888-724-7240 to speak to someone who can help find the right service for you or someone you care about. Both numbers are operated 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with support available in over 200 languages. For more information visit Get Help Now or All ServicesIf you are experiencing an emergency, please call 9-1-1 .