I want to report...

...aircraft noise
...a bird strike
Please contact the County of San Diego Airports, at 619-956-4800 to report a bird strike. The FAA also has a form that can be completed and submitted online.
...a claim of discrimination by the County
...suspicious activity
County Airports is proactive and very conscious of security for its tenants, customers and employees. We ask that you report any suspicious activity immediately to any of the following numbers:
Police (El Cajon) | ||
Emergency | 911 | |
PD Non-Emergency | 619-579-3311 | |
FD Non-Emergency | 619-441-1621 | |
Airport Administration (normal business hours) | 619-956-4800 | |
FAA Flight Standards District Office | 858-502-9882 | |
FBI | 858- 320-1800 | |
National Response Center (TSA GA hotline) | 866-GA-SECURE, 866-427-3287 |
...a laser incident
Aiming a laser at an aircraft is a serious safety risk and violates federal law. Many high-powered lasers can completely incapacitate pilots who are trying to fly safely to their destinations and may be carrying hundreds of passengers. Unfortunately, reported incidents of lasers aimed at aircraft are steadily increasing.
In cooperation with federal, state and local law enforcement agencies, FAA needs everyone's help in reporting laser incidents. If you are the victim of a laser incident or you witness a laser incident, please report it to FAA. Here's how: