Fallbrook Airpark Noise Information

Safety Issues: Reports on safety issues must be made to the FAA Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) at (858) 502-9882.

Helicopter/Rotocraft pattern is 500' AGL (1,200' MSL). Additional restrictions: Helicopter/Rotocraft fuel or parking is unavailable. Helicopter pad CLOSED to transient aircraft. Helicopter/Rotorcraft restricted to touch & go operations only. Hovers, Skid Landings and Auto-rotations are not permitted.

Traffic climb straight ahead to 1200' MSL. Runway 18 turn crosswind when abeam water tank 1.1 miles ESE of runway. Runway 18 extend downwind leg to allow 1/3 mile final approach. Fly downwind to east of high school. Recommended helicopter traffic pattern is an approach and departure at 492' AGL from and to east at mid runway.