*Text in underline/italics reflects additional updates made in November 2021.

Master Plan Update:

  • Chapter 1.1 (Purpose): This chapter was revised to state that the Master Plan should ensure compliance with local, State, and federal regulations. The chapter did not address specific issues such as compliance with FAA standards and Conditional Use Permit (CUP)-172, as this is detailed in subsequent portions of the Airport Master Plan Update.
  • Chapter 2.10.1 (On-Airport Land Uses): This chapter was revised to make it clear that in order to comply with federal grant assurances or to operate the airport in accordance with County objectives, that it may at some point become necessary to assert immunities, federal preemption, or other legal theories regarding the applicability of City land use requirements, but that it continues to remain the County’s objective to coordinate with the City and operate the Airport in accordance with City requirements as reflected in documents like CUP-172. 
  • Chapter 2.10.3 (Zoning):  This chapter was revised to reflect the Superior Court’s decision in Citizens for a Friendly Airport v. County of San Diego that the County is required to seek an amendment to CUP-172 if the Airport Reference Code (ARC) of the Airport is changed from B-II to D-III. Without waiving the right to assert immunities, federal preemption, or other legal theories when necessary to ensure the County remains in compliance with federal grant assurance or to meet County objectives such as making safety improvements, the County states that it will seek an amendment to CUP-172 prior to making improvements needed to implement an ARC greater than B-II. This chapter was further revised to clarify the Superior Court’s finding that the improvements contemplated in the Master Plan Update do not constitute an “expansion” of the airport. Additional edits were made to clarify the County would seek an amendment to CUP-172 from the City of Carlsbad if the Airport designation is greater than B-II.
  • Chapter (Pavement Strength Requirements):  This chapter was revised to correct the maximum dual-wheel landing gear strength from 110,000 to 80,000 pounds.
  • Chapter (General Environmental and Land Use Constraints):  This chapter was revised to summarize the history of CUP-172, including amendments and related lawsuits and judgments. 


Program Environmental Impact Report:

  • Chapter 1: Table 1-3 was renamed to Other Agency Use of PEIR (in replacement of Matrix of Approvals). In addition, it was noted that the County will seek an Amendment to Conditional Use Permit 172 by the City of Carlsbad, and this language was added to Table 1-3  if the Airport designation is greater than B-II.


  • Chapter 2.4 (Noise): In response to the Superior Court’s decision, the County completed additional noise analysis, which has now been included in the PEIR as part of its Appendix D (Noise Technical Report).

    Public comments concerning aircraft noise levels received during prior public review periods were analyzed for potentially significant impacts. Specifically, the County reviewed all public comments during three separate review periods: (1) Notice of Preparation/Initial Study published on February 29, 2016, for 30 days; (2) Draft PEIR published on January 18, 2018, for 61 days; and (3) recirculated portions of the Draft PEIR published on June 21, 2018, for 46 days. Public comments that included an address or nearby landmark (such as a park or an intersection) sufficient to identify a location were included within the additional noise analysis. Comments that did not provide location data or sufficient information to discern a specific location at which to measure potential noise impacts were not included. PEIR Chapter 2.4 and its Appendix D (Noise Technical Report) have been revised to incorporate this additional analysis.


  • Chapter 3.1.7 (Land Use): In response to the Superior Court’s decision, this chapter was revised to clarify that the County would seek an amendment to CUP-172 prior to making improvements needed to implement an ARC greater than B-II. The County made it clear that it reserves the right to assert immunities, federal preemption, or other legal theories when necessary to remain in compliance with federal grant assurances or to meet County objectives. Additional edits were made to clarify the County would seek an amendment to CUP-172 from the City of Carlsbad if the Airport designation is greater than B-II.


Program Environmental Impact Report - Response to Comments:

  • As noted above, public comments concerning aircraft noise levels received during prior public review periods were analyzed for potentially significant impacts. County staff reviewed all 138 PEIR comment letters received in 2018 (as well as 88 comment letters received in 2016 during the Notice of Preparation review period). Staff then identified all comments that expressed a concern with aircraft-related noise and proceeded with the additional analysis.

    Accordingly, the Response to Comments has been updated to reflect the additional analysis, and to provide all commenters with the estimated noise levels of their provided address.  For commenters who did not provide a sufficient location for the County to analyze, their comment was acknowledged and are encouraged to review the Master Response to Comments and Appendix D (Noise Technical Report) for further information.

    Please refer to the PEIR webpage for a listing of all comments and responses.