

Metals are highly recyclable, however, scrap metals should not go in your recycle bin (as they can damage recycling sorting equipment). Recycle them by visiting to find a convenient location near you.

DO place these in the Recycle Bin:

  • Food and beverage bottles and cans (aluminum, tin, steel)
  • Clean foil
  • Metal containers
  • Empty aerosol cans

DO NOT place these in the Recycle Bin:

  • Scrap metal 
    • Take to a scrap metal recycler as it can damage the sorting equipment at the recycling facility.
  • Clothes hangers (these can be donated!)
  • Electronic waste, lightbulbs, batteries


  • Only place materials that are empty and dry in your recycle bin.
  • Visit to learn where to recycle items that CANNOT go in your blue bin!   


Have a recycling question? Email or Call the Recycling Hotline:

1-877-R-1-EARTH - Recycling Hotline