HHW Collection Facilities

Household hazardous
waste (HHW) should never be thrown into the trash or poured down
the sink, sewer or storm drains -
Improper disposal may injure refuse workers, pollute ground
water, waterways, and our oceans, potentially destroying marine
life. For these reasons, improper disposal is illegal.
Disposal for County Residents
The County has access to three permanent HHW collection facilities to accept HHW from unincorporated County residents.
Find out if you live in the unincorporated area:
Unincorporated area map - put your address in the upper right hand search box of the map. Orange indicates you are in the unincorporated area, grey means you are in a city.
The locations for unincorporated residents are:
Ramona HHW Facility for unincorporated residents
call (877) 713-2784 for an appointment or click below for our online appointment scheduler Appointments are available 1st and 3rd Saturdays from 9:00 am - 1:00 pm.
Click the button
below to schedule an appointment :
SAFETY PROCEDURES All waste must be transported in vehicle trunk or bed of pick-up truck Staff will not open vehicle door or enter vehicle interior Unlock trunk prior to check in You must remain in your vehicle Bring proof of residency / address
| Escondido HHW Facility for unincorporated residents
call (877) 713-2784 for an appointment or click below for our online appointment scheduler Appointments are available from 12:30 pm - 2:45 pm only on select Saturdays. Please refer to the appointment calendar for availability.
Click the button
below to schedule an appointment:
Unincorporated Area Residents use the above "Click to Schedule"-- City of Escondido residents please use link below ____________________________
CALL (760) 745-3203
OR MAKE AN APPOINTMENT HERE: Appointments for City of Escondido residents only
_________________________________ El Cajon HHW Facility for unincorporated residents
Appointments available every 2nd and last Saturdays from 9:00 am - 1:00 pm. (Starting January 2025) call (877) 713-2784 for an appointment or click belowfor our onlineappointment scheduler. Click the button below to schedule an appointment :
Disposal for City Residents
If you do not live in the unincorporated areas of the County, you will need to contact your city's HHW program for disposal information. Here is a current contact list by city.
Disposal for Oil, Oil Filters, and Electronics
Used oil, oil filters, and electronics can be recycled at many local businesses. Call the HHW Hotline (877-R-1-EARTH/877-713-2784) or search WasteFreeSD.org for a location nearest you.
Waste Disposal Reminders
- Do not transport more than the legal limit of 15 gallons or 125 pounds of HHW.
- All container labels must be legible (no worn-off labels)
- All containers must be sealed and not leaking
- Do not mix different products into one container
- HHW must be transported in the trunk of the car or in another area away from passengers and pets
- For qualified elderly or disabled unincorporated County residents only, a pick up service is available upon approval (call 877-713-2784 for an appointment).
For additional information, call the Household Hazardous Waste Hotline: