Adopt-A-Road Program
Do you want to help keep your roadsides clean and attractive? You can by participating in Adopt-A-Road, a program that designates certain road sections for private assistance with litter removal. Your business or community group can help keep roads litter-free by "adopting" one of the approved sections of road.

DPW's Adopt-A-Road coordinator will help you through the free permit process. Lliability insurance is not required. Group leaders will be given safety training before being allowed to work near County roads. Only those sections of road considered safe for volunteer litter removal are approved for adoption.

Participants in this program are expected to clean their two-mile section of road at least four times a year. DPW will provide trash bags and safety vests. County crews will pick up the filled trash bags.
An Adopt-A-Road sign will be provided by the County and placed at each end of your adopted road, prominently displaying your group or business name.
Roadside Trash
Liitter and trash can also cause traffic hazards and affect drainage. Each year DPW crews remove more than 1,300 tons of litter along County-maintained roadways. Removing driving hazards and large items are our first priority. You can help by reporting trash in the roadway.
To report trash or for more information on Adopt-A-Road:
Call (858) 694-3850
To report trash that is outside of the roadway, call the Department of Environmental Health at (858) 694-3741.
The County's Adopt-A-Road program is for county-maintained roads. To adopt a section of State highway or Interstate freeway, please call CalTrans at (619) 688-0276.