Building Better Roads (BBR) is a Working Group comprised of local cities and agencies, private companies, industry associations and other key stakeholders from across the San Diego Region. BBR’s growing roster of members include representatives from the County, Caltrans, San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG), numerous local cities, contractors, materials suppliers, organizations, and industry experts. BBR was established to identify innovative and sustainable pavement preservation treatments to improve the overall quality and safety of regional roadways.
Through the hard work of our four subcommittees, BBR is developing technical guidance documents that are being made available on our website free of charge for use by cities and agencies throughout California. Several pilot tests are being implemented such as the use of higher RAP pavement mixes in local roads that support aggregate sustainability, flexible contract start dates, and use of fiber reinforced AC to evaluate the cost benefit relationship of this technology in different situations. BBR has also highlighted the importance of stakeholder education by hosting workshops, facility tours and other industry committee meetings.
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