The Building Better Roads Working Group includes two subcommittees that take a closer look at the topics the group is most interested in. Each subcommittee works on 2-3 topics at time with the end goal of producing a “deliverable”. Examples of past deliverables include guidance documents, fact sheets, pilot studies, training workshops and product demonstrations.
The BBR holds an annual Subcommittee Topic Selection Meeting where the group votes on new topics for the upcoming year.

Innovation- New ideas and improvements to existing concepts related to pavement management in the San Diego region.
2023 Topic Status
Non-Destructive Testing of HMA (Lead: James Watkins, PE)
A comparative look at new non-destructive HMA testing versus traditional testing methods
Status: Completing final summary report
Regional Mix Design (Lead: Al Ochoa, PE)
Development of standardized mixes that can be used throughout the region
Status: Pending posting of verified mix designs
2024 Topic Status
Modifiers in HMA (Lead: Ryan Merritt)
A comparative look various type of binder modifiers and their intent
Status: Preliminary Topic Development

Sustainability- Pavement management topics related to the preserving our natural resources and minimizing the impact on the environment.
Topic Status
High RAP HMA, >40% (Lead: Anderew Suarez)
Exploration of High RAP HMA for various uses
Status: Development phase complete- Phase 2 will
consist of a pilot project to compare this material to a
conventional HMA mix
Waste Plastic Use in HMA (Lead: Adam Barber)
Methods for incorporating waste plastic into HMA
Status: Complete-view Guidance Document here
AB 2953 Compliance (Lead: Brandon Millar, PE)
Over of Compliance Requirements
related to Assembly Bill 2953
Status- Complete- view Guidance
Document here
2024 Topic Status
High RAP HMA, >40% (Lead: Andrew Suarez)
2nd phase of this topic.
Status: Scoping for pilot project
Asphalt Shingle use in HMA (Lead: Maure Creager)
Use of Asphalt Shingles as a binder replacement/modifier
Status: Guidance Document development in progress
100% RAP Cold Mix (Lead: Dillon Jones)
Specialized cold mix use as an alternative to HMA
Status: Preliminary Topic Development
Participating in our subcommittees is an excellent way to grow your network and share your experience and expertise with our group. These subcommittees are open to anyone that regularly attends the larger BBR Working Group meetings. For more information, please contact Orland Mott, BBR Facilitator at