County Service Areas (CSA)
County Service Areas are used by property owners for non-road related infrastructure and to maintain landscape, parks, and pay for fire prevention and emergency medical services. District formations typically take two to three years and include Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) review and approval. Districts are formed with majority support of affected property owners.
County Service Areas are managed by multiple County departments and other agencies depending on the services offered. CSA information can be found on LAFCO’s Special District Profiles & Maps webpage.
DPW’s Private Road & Landscape Maintenance Section administrates and provides maintenance services for two County Service Areas (CSAs) for landscaping and open space management within the community of Rancho San Diego. CSA 26A – Cottonwood Village was established in 1980 and CSA 26B – Monte Vista was established in 1986, both are funded by property owner assessments and services are performed by DPW.
Click here to view your parcel’s special assessments/taxes for the current fiscal year.
If you have any questions, please contact the Public Works Department, Private Road & Landscape Maintenance at (858) 694-2691 or