Boundary Map


Maintenance Areas

2021 Outreach


Property Owner Meetings:

Virtual property owner meetings were held on March 3rd and March 30th to discuss maintenance and funding needs for CSA 26A and an upcoming mail ballot election for property owners. The presentations from each meeting are available above.

Property Owner Ballot

The ballots included two rate increase options and an option for no rate increase:

  • Option 1: Rate will increase to $125 over two years to fund current services and $90k for expanded fire break and fuel reduction services, tree trimming, and irrigation system repair.
    •  Charge to your parcel in Fiscal Year 21/22: $90 
    •  Charge to your parcel in Fiscal Year 22/23: $125
  • Option 2: Rate increase to $100 to fund current services and $50k for expanded fire break and fuel reduction services, tree trimming, and irrigation system repair.
    •  Charge to your parcel in Fiscal Year 21/22:  $100 
  • Option 3: No rate increase and reduce services.

Ballot Results

The ballot measure passed with 65% of returned weighted ballots voting in favor of an increase. The option to increase the assessment rate in the first year received the majority of the votes to increase. If the increase from $56.28 to $100 per benefit unit is confirmed by the Board of Supervisors on June 30, 2021, the benefit fee will increase in Fiscal Year 2021-22 and will be reflected on your 2021-22 “Fixed Charged Assessment” portion of your property tax bill. Property owners can attend the hearing in person, call in or submit comments online for this item by visiting https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/sdc/cob/bosa.html

Resultados de la Ballota

Los propietarios aprobaron un aumento de tarifas con un 65% de las papeletas ponderadas devueltas que votaron a favor de un aumento. La opción de aumentar la tasa de evaluación en el primer año recibió la mayoría de los votos para aumentar. Si la Junta de Supervisores confirma el aumento de $ 56.28 a $ 100 por unidad de beneficio el 30 de junio de 2021, la tarifa del beneficio aumentará en el año fiscal 2021-22 y se reflejará en la parte de la "Evaluación con cargo fijo" 2021-22 de su factura de impuestos a la propiedad. Los propietarios pueden asistir a la audiencia en persona, llamar o enviar comentarios en línea sobre este tema visitando https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/sdc/cob/bosa.html

Se hable español


If you have any questions about your CSA, would like to volunteer to serve on an advisory committee for this special district, or someone in your household requires translation services, please contact us at (858) 694-2691 or SPDIST.LUEG@SDCounty.ca.gov.