Traffic Engineering Contacts
If you have reached this page in order to report a roadway emergency such as a dark traffic signal, please call EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER 24-hour hotline, at (858) 565-5262.
Adopt-A-Road: The County of San Diego Adopt-A-Road program was established in 1994 to allow non-political organizations, corporations, groups and individuals to participate in maintaining and enhancing San Diego County’s roadsides. Participants agree to pick up litter from a section of roadside for two years. In exchange for their work, the Department of Public Works provides free trash bags and two courtesy signs designating each work site. The program is designed to promote civic responsibility, community spirit and camaraderie and to provide an opportunity to accomplish something worthwhile. | Senai Melake | |
Traffic and Operational Improvements: A program designed to address the motoring public's concerns about potential safety hazards on County maintained roads. Our staff of Traffic Engineers and Technicians are available to discuss your concerns, perform field reviews, analyze traffic data, and propose short, medium, and long-term solutions with you in a comprehensive, coordinated effort. Click the link below to reach the Service Request Team: | Barra Manaseer | |
Residential Traffic Program: A program designed to address speeding problems within residential neighborhoods in the unincorporated area of San Diego County through traffic calming methods, engineering, education, and enforcement. | Barra Manaseer | |
Special Event Permits: The temporary
using or closing of a portion of a County maintained road for
a parade, block party, run, bicycle ride, or other special
event requires a Special Event Permit which may have special
conditions as to how the permitted activity will be conducted.
The permit is issued for activities which are for the benefit
of the community and are in the public interest. An event may
require insurance on behalf of the event sponsor providing
coverage to the County of San Diego as additionally insured.
Special Events Permit Page | Danilo Mappala | |
Street Name Signs: For the benefit and safety of the motoring public and to assist emergency vehicles, the County of San Diego Department of Public Works installs and maintains street name signs at the intersection of public roads. In addition, the Board of Supervisors Policy J-4 allows citizens to purchase a street name sign where an officially named private street joins a County maintained street. These signs are installed and maintained by the County. (This policy does not support the installation of a street name sign required by a Parcel or Subdivision Map.) | Senai Melake | |
Traffic Advisory Committee (TAC): The
San Diego County Traffic Advisory Committee (TAC) meets
approximately every two months to review requests for
regulatory controls on the County-maintained road system.
Types of regulatory controls considered by the TAC include:
Stop and Yield signs, Speed Limits, Traffic Signals, No
Parking zones, Time Limit Parking, Weight Limitations, and
Angle Parking. After reviewing a request, the TAC submits a
recommendation to the Board of Supervisors as to what action
it believes to be most appropriate and consistent with driver
expectation. The Board of Supervisors then makes the final
decision. Before you submit a written request to the TAC, it
is recommended that you contact the TAC to discuss your
concern. Click Here for the TAC Agenda | Ben Baker | |
Traffic Control Permit: When
construction interrupts the normal function of a roadway,
temporary traffic control is necessary to avoid confusion and
to ensure the smooth passage of traffic. It is the
responsibility of those performing work on or adjacent to a
public road in the unincorporated area of the County to
install and maintain appropriate traffic control in accordance
with an approved traffic control plan. An approved traffic
control plan is necessary to provide the motoring public safe
passage through the construction zone, as well as to safeguard
construction workers. The Traffic Engineering office should be
contacted prior to the start of work on a County-maintained
roadway or in the County right-of-way to determine if a
traffic control permit is necessary and to start the process.
Click Here for a Traffic Control Permit Application and Submittal Checklist | Cherie Cham | |
Traffic Signals: The Department of
Public works maintains Traffic Signals in the unincorporated
area of the County of San Diego. Traffic Signals are
programmed to change depending on the volume of traffic at the
intersection. Requests for new Traffic Signals should be made
to the Operational Traffic Improvement Team (see above).
Please note: California Vehicle Code Section 21800(d)(1)
states that the driver of any vehicle approaching an
intersection which has inoperative traffic control signals
shall stop at the intersection and may proceed with caution
only when it is safe to do so. Report Traffic Light Problems | Michael Kenney |