Blockages - What To Do
The leading causes of sewage spills are roots and cooking grease. These items are also the leading causes of lateral spills on private properties. Maintaining your sewer lateral and keeping it clean and open, can save you a great deal of money in plumbing and cleaning bills, and eliminate the aggravation a sewage backup will cause. The property owner is responsible for maintenance and blockage removal within the private sewer lateral which runs from the house to the connection point at the public sewer main that is often located in the middle of the street.
If you encounter a blockage in your own home:
- Call a licensed plumber to help inspect, clear, and assess the situation. By televising the sewer lateral, a licensed plumber can determine if the pipe has a break or a crack.
- The homeowner is responsible to clear and repair the private sewer lateral up to its point of connection with the public main.
- If after consultation with the plumber, it appears the problem may be located within the District’s sewer main, CONTACT US.
- Please be prepared to describe the situation to our staff person and explain the steps you have taken to troubleshoot the problem.
- If it is expected that the problem is located within the public sewer main, District forces will assess the problem and clear or otherwise repair the sewer main to relieve the blockage.