Vegetated BMPs
Vegetated BMPs filter stormwater pollutants by directing runoff to flow through soil and vegetation. After heavy rainfall, runoff collected in the BMP slowly soaks into the soil, reducing both the amount of runoff and pollutants entering the local storm drain system. These BMPs are typically found in low-lying vegetated areas or surface-level planters.
Vegetated BMPs may offer the following benefits:
- Reduce runoff volume and peak flows
- Reduce erosion
- Filter pollutants from stormwater
- Can offer aesthetic value
- Promote evapotranspiration, helping manage
excess water naturally
What does your BMP look like?
Typical vegetated BMP components can include:
- Inflow distribution mechanisms (e.g., flow spreader)
- Vegetated surface layer
- Check dams (if required)
- Optional aggregate storage layer with underdrain(s)
Target Pollutants
- Sediment (soils particles, road dust, gravel, sand, etc.)
- Oil and grease
- Metals
- Fertilizers
- Pesticides
- Trash
Inspection & Maintenance Activities
Activity | Suggested frequency/schedule |
Inspect for accumulation of sediment, litter, and debris | Montlhy |
Inspect for damage to structural components such as weirs, inlet or outlet structures | Monthly and after significant rain events |
Inspect for poor vegetation establishment, dead or diseased vegetation, or overgrown vegetation | Monthly |
Inspect for proper drainage and erosion | After significant rain events |
Check for signs of mosquito breeding | Monthly and after significant rain events |
BMP Fact Sheets in PDF format
BMP Outreach Flyers (Educational Resources Page)
(858) 495-5323