Green Streets Clean Water Plan

The Green Streets Clean Water Plan has been developed to identify multi-benefit green streets opportunities within the village areas of the western draining watersheds in the unincorporated County. Green streets are projects that implement green infrastructure BMPs within the County’s road right-of-way to capture, slow, and filter stormwater. These BMPs are designed to treat runoff from impervious areas such as streets, sidewalks, and adjacent land areas. When integrated with complete streets and within development projects, they create additional urban greening and support walking, biking, and transit use, which in-turn supports economic, health, environmental, and community benefits.


How do Green Streets Improve Water Quality?



The Problem

  • When it rains, runoff collects along roads in ditches, gutters, and storm drains.
  • This runoff caries pollutants that can impact our streams, rivers, reservoirs, beaches, shoreline, and ocean.
  • During dry weather, the water we use throughout the day can have similar effects.

The Solution

  • Green Streets use natural processes, including filtration through plants and soil, to treat water runoff in an environmentally friendly way.
  • Other runoff treatment systems are fully underground and can partner with surface systems to assist our infrastructure.


What is the Green Streets Clean Water Plan?



A Vision...

The County of San Diego Green Streets Clean Water Program evaluated nearly 1,200 miles of roads in the unincorporated area, looking for opportunities to use green street retrofits to support clean water in local creeks, rivers, lakes, and ultimately the ocean.


An Opportunity...

The Green Streets Clean Water Plan identified the highest priority multi-benefit locations for green streets across 24 community planning areas. Local community benefits that were considered include supporting aquifer recharge, improving pedestrian safety, and enhancing green spaces.


A Plan

Policy recommendations made are "paving the way" for future green street opportunities.


The Green Streets Clean Water Plan Includes:


Green Street Clean Water Plan


  1. An introduction to green streets and how they can be used to improve our water quality and our communities.
  2. Evaluations of project feasibility and benefits to both water quality and communities.
  3. Blueprints for those interested in future green street projects.

Frequently Asked Questions:

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