The Magnolia Avenue Green Streets Project will use green infrastructure elements to capture and treat stormwater runoff from a 32.4-acre drainage area composed of commercial and transportation land uses along Magnolia Avenue in Lakeside and Bostonia. The proposed elements include vegetated tree wells, biofiltration basins, and a below-ground trash capture device. 

Community: Lakeside & Bostonia

Drainage Area Treated: 32.4 acres

Pollutants Removed: Trash, bacteria, nutrients, sediment, metals


Community Outreach

Outreach was conducted to 131 surrounding businesses from late August through mid-September 2024. The map below indicates where, how and when the outreach was performed. An informative Project Fact Sheet was distributed to individuals who were contacted in-person. 

Community Engagement

On October 15, 2024 the County held an Open House where the community was invited to meet the project team and share their comments and concerns about the project. The event involved an Informative Presentation from the project manager, Q&A/Input stations, and opportunities for participants to provide their feedback.


Presentation and Q&A

A presentation was provided in three languages (English, Spanish, and Arabic) to cater to the demographics of the community. The presentation identified the purpose and need of the project, and elements of green infrastructure that could be considered by the community. Questions and comments following the presentation included inquiries on the selection process for this and other green streets/green infrastructure projects, maintenance of the projects, and how benefits of this type of project make a difference in water quality. The County shared the project's ranking in the Green Streets Clean Water Plan (#2) and noted there are a total of 85 opportunities identified in the plan. The County also outlined the anticipated water quality and sustainability goals the project will help achieve, and described the approach for long-term maintenance of all projects.

Feedback Received

Open House participants provided important feedback to the team which will be prioritized during the design phase. 

The table above summarizes questions and answers about the participant's lived experience in the project area.

The table below summarizes the participant's rankings of the Green Street Improvement options. Street trees and tree wells were unanimously ranked the highest. 

Next Steps

During the next year, we will study the input that businesses and community members have shared to create project alternatives to evaluate. From those alternatives, we will select a preferred alternative that will then advance to final design and environmental review and ultimately construction. 

While we are taking these next steps, we will continue to update this webpage with project updates and information. 

In the meantime, learn more about Green Infrastructure and Water Quality Improvement Projects!