The South Mission Road Green Streets Projects will use green infrastructure elements to capture and treat stormwater runoff from a 21.7-acre drainage area composed of commercial, transportation, and other land uses along South Mission Road in Fallbrook. The proposed elements include vegetated tree wells, biofiltration basins, and a below-ground trash capture device.

These efforts will be implemented in two separate projects to meet American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding deadlines. Project 1 will include the trash capture device along South Mission Road and a biofiltration basin as well as other improvements at the intersection of Pepper Tree Lane. Project 2 will implement the remaining improvements on South Mission Road from Mission Oaks Road to South Main Avenue.

Community: Fallbrook

Drainage Area Treated: 21.7 acres

Pollutants Removed: Trash, bacteria, nutrients, sediment


What to Expect

During construction, the County will make every effort to minimize disruptions along the roadways. All construction will occur in the public road right-of-way to avoid impacts to private property owners. There will be temporary impacts to utilities, and to both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Traffic control measures, including signage placed prior to and during construction, will be implemented to ensure the safety of our customers.

Project 1 is anticipated to start construction in early 2025 and is anticipated to take approximately one year to complete. The design phase of Project 2 is anticipated to begin Spring 2026.


Water Quality Improvements

When it rains, stormwater runoff will be diverted into green infrastructure elements for treatment. Tree wells and biofiltration basins will remove pollutants including bacteria and nutrients through natural settling and soil filtration processes.

Trash capture device rendering

Trash Capture Device

An advanced stormwater treatment system that uses screens and separation to capture pollutants including trash, sediment, and hydrocarbons. These devices capture and retain 100% of trash and debris greater than 5 mm in diameter. Floating debris are stored above the static water level where it can dry out between storms and be easily removed during maintenance.

Pedestrian Access and Sidewalk Improvements

The project includes ADA-compliant sidewalk improvements to enhance pedestrian access and new landscaping, including trees to provide additional shade for pedestrians.