Construction has completed on the San Marino Drive Green Streets and Trash Capture Project, which installed biofiltration basins and a sub-surface trash capture device along San Marino Drive. The purpose of these features is to reduce pollutant discharge to nearby Lake San Marcos.
Also included in the project is approximately 600 linear feet of new sidewalk along San Marino Drive, along with new pedestrian access ramps.
Community: Lake San Marcos
Drainage Area Treated: 27 acres
Pollutants Removed: Trash, sediment, debris, nutrients, and bacteria.
Water Quality Improvements
When it rains, stormwater runoff will be diverted to the green infrastructure elements for treatment. Runoff is diverted from the gutter into the biofiltration basins, where natural settling and soil filtration processes will remove pollutants that include bacteria, nutrients, and metals.
Clean runoff will then flow to the storm drain. Part of the runoff will pass through the underground trash capture device, located under the intersection of San Marino Drive and Hermosita Drive, where trash, debris and sediment will be removed. Clean runoff from the storm drain will then discharge into nearby Lake San Marcos
Sidewalk Improvements
600 feet of new sidewalks span the project, offering greater accessibility to the community. New ADA curb ramps were installed at the intersection of San Marino Drive and Hermosita Drive, as well as a cross gutter was replaced in that intersection to eliminate ponding.