CALL CENTER: 800-339-4661

Family Caregiver Support Program

If you regularly aid an older relative to maintain his or her quality of life, you are a caregiver. You help your loved one and the Family Caregiver Support Program can help you.

Who We Serve

  • Adult family caregivers of individuals, age 60 and older, in San Diego County.
  • Grandparent caregivers of minors, where the minor is a relative of the caregiver, and resides with the caregiver, in San Diego County.

Services Provided

  • Assistance to caregivers through contracted providers
  • Comprehensive assessment
  • Care management
  • Professionally administered support groups and counseling
  • Caregiver skills training
  • Respite care
  • Legal services
  • Minor Home Modification (grab bars, safety checks, etc.)
  • Grandparent caregiver support
  • Outreach and education

What is unique about these services? 

  • The caregiver, rather than the care receiver, is the client in the Caregiver Support Program.
  • This program is part of the National Caregiver Support Program, which recognizes the critical need for training, assistance, and relief, for caregivers in a role that can last for years.
  • The Family Caregiver Support Program offers a seamless system of home and community-based caregiver support services.

How do we charge for our services? 

There are no charges for most services. Provider agencies offer opportunities for voluntary contributions.

How do people apply? 

  • For respite, assessment, counseling and support groups, caregivers should call Southern Caregiver Resource Center at 800-827-1008 or click here for more information.
  • Caregivers seeking legal assistance can contact Elder Law & Advocacy at 858-565-1392 or click here for more information.
  • Grandparents who are caring for grandchildren should call the YMCA Kinship Program at 619-281-8313 or click here for more information.
  • For minor home modifications in the Central, South, and East areas of the County, caregivers should call JFS Fix-it at 858-637-3210 or click here for more information.
  • For minor home modifications in North Coast or North Inland areas of the County, caregivers should call Interfaith Community Services at 760-504-4486 or click here for more information.

To learn about additional services for older adults and caregivers, call the AIS Call Center at 800-339-4661 or send us an email.