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Group of older adults outdoors


Aging & Independence Services leads several regional initiatives, working closely with community partners, professionals and volunteers that include families and caregivers.

Decorative blue border line

Aging Roadmap

Banner image of a city with the 10 Aging Roadmap focus areas

A regional framework that guides efforts to meet the needs of older adults, including providing care and support, affordable housing, accessible transportation, and opportunities to work and volunteer. Together we can create communities that allow people of all ages to be safe, healthy, and thrive.

The Aging Roadmap identifies specific goals and steps in ten priority areas:

  • Health & Community Support
  • Housing
  • Social Participation
  • Transportation
  • Dementia
  • Caregiver Support
  • Safety
  • Preparedness
  • Silver Economy
  • Medical & Social Services System

The Alzheimer's Project

The Alzheimer's Project logo

A countywide effort to address the growing impact of Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia on families, caregivers, health care providers and others. Among those participating are San Diego's world-class scientists, healthcare providers, public universities and caregiver organizations.

About 100,000 San Diegans 55 and older have some form of dementia, an estimate that is expected to rise nearly 17 percent by 2030. While Alzheimer's is the sixth leading cause of death in the nation, it is the third leading cause in San Diego County.

Thanks to the initiative, front-line doctors today have access to more diagnostic tools, local scientists are mining new avenues of research, and more programs and services are in place to improve the care and safety of those living with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.

More at


Healthy Brain Initiative

Older map at laptop

A $750,000 state-funded grant program awarded to the County in July 2020 that is making possible a series of measures, including the translation of booklets, fliers and other resources about brain health into additional languages to reach more San Diego County residents. For example, the region's Caregiver Handbook, which includes resources related to dementia, has been translated into Arabic, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese. It is also helping advance the work of The Alzheimer's Project.

Learn more about the state-wide grant program » 


Age Well San Diego

Older couple with tablet

Age Well San Diego is the County of San Diego's initiative to make our communities better places for people of all ages to live healthy, safe, and thriving lives. Through Age Well, the County joins forces with San Diego Foundation, AARP®, the World Health Organization, and numerous community partners and residents to work toward making our communities more age-friendly.

The Age Well Action Plan includes goals in the areas of Health & Community Support, Housing, Social Participation, Transportation, and Dementia. Age Well aligns with the broader goals of Live Well San Diego, a regional vision for healthy, safe and thriving communities.

Learn more at