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Male caregiver and older adult woman reading on a laptop

News & Notes

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Read the AIS Newsletter!

Spring 2024 AIS Newsletter cover image

The Aging & Independence (AIS) Newsletter includes a cover article from the AIS Director and updates regarding County and community services. It also includes a calendar of events, and volunteer opportunities.

Send us an email if you would like to subscribe to our newsletter.

San Diego Caregiver Handbook

Front cover image of the Caregiver Handbook

Are you a caregiver? A caregiver is anyone who gives help to another person in need, such as an ill spouse, partner, or child. If you are taking care of a loved one or someone is caring for you, this handbook can help.

This handbook is a tool for caregivers in need of support. It is provided by the Caregiver Coalition of San Diego, in partnership with AIS.

In the handbook are chapters on transport, medical equipment, in-home help, managing medication, and other challenges you may face. The handbook also has tips on caring for those with dementia and mental health issues. It is offered in nine languages. If you would like a hard copy, you may send an email to request a copy.