Providing Access and Transforming Health Capacity and Infrastructure Transition, Expansion and Development Round 4 (Transitional Rent) Letter of Support Process

Providing Access and Transforming Health (PATH) Capacity and Infrastructure Transition, Expansion and Development (CITED) is an initiative from the Department of Health Care Services. It provides grant funding to enable the transition, expansion and development of Enhanced Care Management (ECM) and Community Supports capacity and infrastructure.

The funding is intended for on-the-ground partners, including community-based organizations (CBO), hospitals, county agencies, Tribes, and others, to successfully participate in Medi-Cal Transformation ECM and Community Support services. Applicants that receive PATH CITED funding must be actively contracted to provide ECM or Community Supports or have a signed attestation from a Medi-Cal Managed Care Plan (MCP) or other entity that they intend to contract with to provide ECM or Community Supports in a timely manner. Visit CalAIM-PATH for additional information.

Three rounds have been awarded as of August 2024. Round 4, the last round of funding, is now open for applications and will close on May 2, 2025.

Letters of Support for PATH Cited Round 4: Transitional Rent

As required by the State, eligible entities applying for PATH CITED Round 4 to support Transitional Rent must obtain and submit a Letter of Support from their local County Behavioral Health Agency with their application.

Entities must read the PATH CITED Transitional Rent Letter of Support Guidance before requesting a letter of support.

For entities applying for funds to implement Transitional Rent in multiple counties with CITED funding, they must obtain a letter of support from each County Behavioral Health Agency where they are requesting CITED funds.

Receipt of a Letter of Support from the San Diego County Behavioral Health Agency does not guarantee that the State will award grant funding for a project.

Important Dates

  • January 6, 2025: PATH CITED Round 4 applications opened
  • May 2, 2025 by 11:59 p.m. (PT): Applications due

For the most current information about grant requirements, deadlines, or updates, refer to the State’s website.

Request a Letter of Support

  1. To request a letter of support, entities must complete the following document:
  2. Submit your completed draft Letter of Support Template via email to no later than four weeks prior to the date needed.
    • Include “PATH CITED Round 4: Transitional Rent” and the name of the entity in the subject line of the email.
      Example: “PATH CITED Round 4: Transitional Rent (Name of Entity)”.
  3. County staff may contact you with questions or more information. Ensure all contact information is provided in the email to avoid delays. If your request for a Letter of Support is approved, the contact(s) listed will receive the Letter via email.

For any questions regarding the County of San Diego's Letter of Support process for PATH CITED Round 4, please contact Grant questions should be sent to

Additional Resources