Health Care Program for Children in Foster Care (HCPCFC)


This program fulfills the requirements of the Welfare and Institutions Code (W&I Code) §16501.3, for children in foster care. Public Health Nurses collaborate with social workers, probation officers, the medical community, and foster parents to overcome barriers preventing children in foster care from accessing appropriate preventive health care and treatment of identified health problems.

For more information call 619-692-8808 or send us an email


The County of San Diego Public Health Nurses (PHNs) work directly with Child and Family Well-Being (CFWB) Social Workers and the Juvenile Probation Department Probation Officers to provide health care coordination for children in foster care. CFWB, Probation, and PHNs work to ensure that all children in foster care receive the required medical and dental exam within 30 days of entry or placement, as well as continuing routine medical and dental exams, as stated in the Health and Safety Code § 124025-124110; Child Welfare Services Manual of Policies and Procedures Division 31-206.36 - .361.  

  • Medical Exams: Depending on the child's age, a child's medical exam may include: medical history and physical, dental assessment, nutrition assessment, developmental/behavioral assessment, anticipatory guidance, body measurements, hearing and vision screening, specific procedures/tests, and/or other laboratory tests as found to be necessary.
  • Dental Exams: Oral health exam and oral health education by a California licensed dentist or registered dental hygienist.
  • Health and Education Passport (HEP): In accordance with W&I Code §16010, a Health and Education Passport (HEP) is created for each child in foster care. The HEP document is used to track foster care children’s health history and includes all available past and current health, dental and education information. The HEP is shared with the foster parent, biological parent, and health care providers, and the youth upon exiting foster care.
  • Education and Trainings: PHNs provide education to social workers, probation officers, juvenile court judges, attorneys, school nurses, physicians, and others about the special health care needs of children in foster care.

Additional Resources and Links

For more information call 619-692-8808 or send us an email


Webpage last updated 1/16/2025