Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs
The Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs (OIRA) serves as the
regional expert and lead in immigrant and refugee affairs and provides resources and
information through a variety of activities countywide. OIRA
collaborates with the community and local Resettlement Agencies to
devote County resources to the immigrant population, regardless of
immigration, refugee, or visa status, and serves as the County Refugee
Coordinator to the State of California.
For information and/or assistance, please call 1-866-262-9881 or email
Programs, Services, and Activities
Seek -- community stakeholder input and apply regional academic
research, data, and best practices to advance equity and opportunity
for immigrant and refugee populations.
Align -- efforts in the community to address the needs and challenges of the immigrant and refugee populations by regularly convening with community stakeholders and developing an OIRA Strategic Plan.
Enhance -- relationships with various stakeholders, including community-based organizations, Resettlement Agencies, local jurisdictions, state, federal, and binational partners, in supporting a healthy, safe, and thriving community.