CalWORKs and Employment Services (ES)
Have you received a new EBT card?
Chip/Tap EBT Card Flyer (Spanish)
Chip/Tap EBT Card Informational Video
Video Informativo Sobre Tarjeta EBT Chip y Toque
You can also get more Chip/Tap EBT card information from the California Department of Social Services (CDSS).
Electronic EBT Benefit Theft is on the rise, please see flyer for more information. (Spanish, Arabic, Vietnamese)
CalWORKs provides temporary cash assistance to eligible families with minor children, to move families with children from dependency to self-sufficiency through employment. Call 1-866-262-9881 for more information.
Information is available about the County's CalWORKs System Improvement Plan (Cal-SIP).
The CalWORKs Housing Support Program provides assistance and support services to help families toward housing stability.