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On May 19, 2020, the Board of Supervisors established the Leon L. Williams San Diego County Human Relations Commission to promote positive human relations, respect, and the integrity of every individual regardless of gender, religion, culture, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, or citizenship status.

Board Members

The Commission consists of thirty-one (31) members, of which twenty-one (21) are currently seated.  Meet our Commission Members

Chair: Ellen Nash
Vice-chair: Eleanor Evans

Leon L. Williams San Diego County Human Relations Commission Member Roster

Cinnamon Clark Taha Hassane Jason Nevarez
Angela Elliot-Santos Dennis Hodges Fabienne Perlov
Eleanor Evans Adeem Ismaeil Gina Roberts
Sarah Farouq George Khoury Joseph Allen Ruanto-Ramirez
Rodney Fowler Sr. Kelly Martinez Milan Shah
David Garcias Nicole Murray Ramirez Summer Stephan
Jordan Harrison Ellen Nash David Vance

Strategic Plan 

Strategic Plan 2022-2027
































Click to view Strategic Plan in PDF

Contact Us

If you have additional questions, please email