Information for Funeral Directors

Please assure the families that their loved one is being examined with utmost care and respect. Usually our examinations can be completed and remains made ready for release within 24 hours. Exceptions may occur if the death falls on a weekend or if identification becomes an issue. Regardless of the circumstances, the Medical Examiner's Office will work diligently to release their loved one as soon as possible. We recommend you keep a supply of our tri-fold brochure on hand to give to families. It addresses concerns and questions that family’s have about why the Medical Examiner is involved in the death of their loved one. Copies are available to you free from the Medical Examiners. The same information can be found on this website here.
Release Hours
Our body release times are 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday.
Order For Release
This document can accomplish several things - primarily release of the remains to your facility - and requires a valid signature/initial from the legal next of kin. In addition, with correct initials, your facility may pick up property for the family. When fully used the Order For Release can be extremely helpful to the families we serve.