Phase II Implementation
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The County is currently developing additional VMT mitigation options for consideration by the Board of Supervisors. These options will be associated with updates to existing plans or the creation of new programs, which may include other jurisdictions within the region.
Options may include, but are not limited to:
- Changes to the General Plan and General Plan Environmental Impact Report
- Creation of, or participation in, a regional VMT mitigation banks, exchange, or fee program
- Changes to the existing Transportation Impact Fee program
- Changes in use of Level of Service in Local Mobility Analyses
How can I share my thoughts?
The County of San Diego would like to hear your thoughts on the options to present to the Board of Supervisors. Which do you believe will be most effective in reducing VMT? Which are the best fit for the village, semi-rural, and rural areas of the county? How can these options be best implemented to meet the goals of the community, businesses, and the environment?
Ways to provide your input on the County’s Phase II Implementation options include:
- Email/phone call to staff
- Request a presentation to your community/industry stakeholder group
- Request a presentation to your Community Planning/Sponsor group
- Submit comments to documents available for Public Review
- Attend County-sponsored teleconference/web-based public meetings and/or webinars
- Attend Planning Commission/Board of Supervisors hearings
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