Campo Road Corridor Revitalization Specific Plan
PDS2021-GPA-21-006; PDS2021-SPA-21-002; PDS2021-REZ-21-003; LOG NO. PDS2021-ER-21-00-004
The Project includes a General Plan Amendment (PDS2021-GPA-21-006), a Specific Plan Amendment (PDS2021-SPA-21-002), and a Zone Reclassification/Rezone (PDS2021-REZ-21-003).
In accordance with State law (Government Code Section 65450-65457), the County has prepared a Specific Plan, General Plan Amendment and Rezone for the Campo Road Corridor in the Casa de Oro area. The Specific Plan is a community-level plan intended to improve the urban form, quality of life, and public safety along the Campo Road Commercial Corridor within Casa De Oro.
Comments on the proposed project, findings, and associated analysis must be received no later than November 22, 2021, at 4:00 PM. These documents can also be reviewed at the PDS, Project Processing Counter, 5510 Overland Avenue, Suite 110, San Diego, CA 92123, as well as the Casa de Oro Library at 9805 Campo Road, Spring Valley, CA 91997 and the Spring Valley Library at 836 Kempton Street, Spring Valley, CA 91997.
Project Contact: Mike Madrid | | (619) 964-6918

PUBLIC DISCLOSURE PERIOD (October 7, 2021 - November 22, 2021)