East Otay Mesa Business Park Specific Plan Amendment
PDS2020-SPA-20-002; LOG NO.PDS2020-ER-98-190-13H
The Project includes a Specific Plan Amendment (PDS2020-SPA-20-002).
The project is a Specific Plan Amendment (SPA) within the East Otay Mesa Business Park Specific Plan (EOM SP). The SPA proposes; to re-designate 207.3 acres of Technology Business Park to Heavy Industrial uses; re-designate 77.7 acres of Light Industrial to Mixed Industrial uses; re-designate 7.8 acres of Technology Business Park and 53.1 acres of Mixed Use – Employment Emphasis to Mixed Use – Residential Emphasis; the removal of David Ridge Road, from Vann Center Blvd to Alta Road which would result in an additional 2.5 acres of developable land which will be subject to Heavy Industrial Land Use designation and an additional 2.5 acres of developable land which will be subject to Technology Business Park Land Use designation; changes resulting in Caltrans acquisitions for State Routes 11 and 125, and the expansion of the new port of entry; changes to allowable uses within the Land Use Matrix, including the addition of new allowable uses, changing certain regulatory processes, revising certain interim use requirements; changes to design regulations for certain uses, including increasing certain height limits, increasing floor area ratio and coverage, reducing parking requirements, reducing lot sizes, and revised landscape requirements. As part of the proposed SPA, text, tables and figures will be updated to reflect current conditions in East Otay Mesa, as well as changes to the overall vision for the area. The project proposes changes which would affect the entire EOM SP. The project consists of approximately 3,013 acres and is located in the southwestern portion of San Diego County, immediately adjacent to the US/Mexico border. The project is subject to the County’s General Plan Regional Category Village and General Plan Land Use Designation Specific Plan Area. The project area is assigned S-88 zoning, and is governed by the EOM SP.
Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) public health emergency and for the safety of the public and staff, the Planning & Development Services lobbies are temporarily closed to the public. Planning & Development Services is continuing to provide essential services through online services. Please utilize the file links located on this website to view the environmental review documents. If needed, hard copies of the documents referenced on the website are available upon request for viewing at the drop-off counter of 5510 Overland Avenue. For further information regarding the operations of Planning and Development Services, please use the information located at the link below or contact the project manager using the contact information on this website:
Please direct any questions or formal comments to the project contacts below.
Project Environmental Coordinator: Regan Watt | Regan.Watt@sdcounty.ca.gov
Project Contact: Nicolas Gustafson | Nicolas.Gustafson@sdcounty.ca.gov | (858) 495-5351 (General Project Questions)

*Documents as indicated by an asterisk have been revised following the public disclosure period.
**Documents as indicated by two asterisks have been revised following the Planning Commission Hearing on January 22, 2021.
PUBLIC DISCLOSURE PERIOD (November 5, 2020 - December 23, 2020)