Warner Springs Ranch Resort NOP
PDS2014-GPA-14-006, PDS2014-SPA-14-003, PDS2014-REZ-14-005, PDS2014-ER-81-04-006B
The Project includes a General Plan Amendment (PDS2014-GPA-14-006), a Specific Plan Amendment (PDS2014-SPA-14-003), and a Zone Reclassification (PDS2014-REZ-14-005).
The Warner Springs Ranch Resort Project (Project) consists of a General Plan Amendment, a Specific Plan Amendment, and a Rezone. The proposed Project consists of 2,452 acres of the previously approved Warner Ranch Specific Plan. The Project proposes an amendment to the Warner Springs Ranch Resort Specific Plan to develop 45 additional guest cottages, a new conference facility, a nine-hole addition to the existing golf course, a recreational vehicle park and restaurant, additional commercial uses, a cultural museum, agricultural uses, a horse camp, fish hatchery and trout pond, open space, infrastructure improvements and public facilities. The Project also includes 685 residential units, which were identified in previously approved documents. In addition, the Project proposes changes to General Plan regional categories, land use and zoning designations. The Project site is located approximately seven miles from the intersection of State Route 79 (SR 79) and State Route 76 (SR 76); SR 79 loops through the Project area. The Project site is located within the North Mountain Subregional Plan area within the unincorporated area of San Diego County.
Project Manager: Nicolas Gustafson | Nicolas.Gustafson@sdcounty.ca.gov | (858) 495-5351
PUBLIC REVIEW PERIOD (March 22, 2018 - April 23, 2018)