Juvenile Detention Visiting Hours and Information
In person visiting is available at the Youth Transition Campus and
East Mesa Juvenile Detention Facility. Virtual visitation remains
available at no cost to youth and families.
The following general visiting rules will apply including:
- In-person visiting will be by appointment only (only two visitors per visit).
- Scheduled appointments are encouraged for in-person visitation. Walk-in visitation is permitted based on availability.
- Visitors should arrive 15 minutes in advance of the scheduled visitation time to check-in.
- Failure to comply with any of the required safety and facility protocols will result in cancellation of the visit.
- Visitors should wash or sanitize their hands upon entering the facility.
Facility and Address | Visiting Hours & Guidelines |
Mailing Address: |
Authorized Visitors
A youth can receive a visit from anyone over the age of 18 years old in their family. A family is defined as people who are united through biology, marriage, or adoption or who are so closely connected through friendships or shared experience that they are taken to be family members. Conceived in this manner, “family” might include biological and adoptive parents, legal guardians, foster parents, kinship caregivers, grandparents, godparents, mentors, teachers, clergy, family friends, and others who support the youth and contribute to the success of the youth’s rehabilitation process.
Authorization and approval for visitors can be obtained through the Casework Probation Officer.
Skype Visitations
Skype visitations are offered at both the Youth Transition Campus (YTC) and East Mesa Juvenile Detention Facility (EMJDF). The purpose of Skype tele-visits are to allow youth the opportunity to visit with their parent/guardian/other approved visitor who are unable to come for a face-to-face visit. Only visitors who are on the “approved visitor” list, which have been updated by the assigned probation officer, are permitted to have a Skype visit. Skype tele-visitation is available for all youth detained at YTC and EMJDF.
To schedule a Skype tele-visit for, youth can request a visit from any officer. The officer will provide the Skype scheduler with the youth’s name and unit. The Skype Scheduler will contact the parent/legal guardian/approved visitor to set up a tele-visit.
Visiting Regulations
- Parents, legal guardians, and others who are pre-approved by their assigned Probation Officer are permitted to visit. You must bring a valid photo I.D.
- Youth who have children can request to have visits with their children while in custody. These visits will also need to be approved through their assigned Probation Officer.
- Special visits must be pre-approved through the minor’s Probation Officer, the YTC or EMJDF Watch Commander, or the Court for the visit.
- When entering YTC or EMJDF you may only bring in your I.D. and one key. There are a limited number of pay-per-use lockers available to secure your valuables. Lockers at EMJDF require 2 quarters $0.50 (refunded when you empty the locker).
- You may bring in one (1) paperback book or magazine for your child, with their name and unit number written on it.
- Parents are also allowed to bring magazines that are on the list of 26 “approved” magazines. The list is available at the Kiosk.