Probation Training Center

The Probation Training Center (PTC) houses the Professional Standards and Training Bureau of the San Diego County Probation Department. The training center provides a centralized location for sworn and professional staff to attend academy core classes, participate in professional development opportunities, and host collaborative trainings and meetings with our partners. The following units are part of the Professional Standards and Training Bureau:
Professional Development & Best Practices
The Professional Development and Best Practices Unit creates training opportunities through collaboration with community and justice partners, as well as experts in a variety of human services fields. With emphases on evidence-based principles and research-based approaches, the classes offered support the Department’s principles, goals, policies and state mandates. The Unit’s collaboration with our partners ensures the region can advance and develop competencies together. The various training opportunities assist employees in demonstrating the highest standards of ethics, professionalism, efficacy, leadership, and community engagement consistent with the requirements of their positions and also meet the state’s certification standards.
Field Services Training Unit
The Field Services Training Unit (FSTU) oversees the instruction and delivery of field and office related training, including officer safety, operational procedures, and other pertinent training. The unit also assists the Professional Development and Best Practices Unit and the Weapons Training Unit as needed. FSTU seeks to identify training gaps, formulate recommendations for improvements in short- and long-term retention of instruction using Adult Learning Theory, develop and implement curricula, and review case law as it pertains to field activities. Additionally, the Field Services Training Unit coordinates the Deputy Probation Officer Core Academy and ensures delivery of annual training courses relevant to field officers per Standards in Training for Corrections (STC) mandates.
Weapons & Training Unit (WTU)
The Weapons Training Unit identifies training needs, develops, and implements critical skills focused upon armed officers. The training targets skills such as firearms, defensive tactics, conducted electrical weapons (TASER), and any officer safety training deemed necessary for field operations. WTU is also responsible for documenting and maintaining trainee performance records for all armed officers including state mandates, testing, peace officer status, and authorizations to carry firearms while on duty. The unit provides subject matter experts for armed officers and maintains proficiency in current training practices consistent with other law enforcement agencies.
Professional Staff Training and Department Initiatives
The purpose of the Professional Staff Training and Department Initiatives Unit is to develop and enhance the productivity of Probation's support staff in creating efficient and effective operational processes that will be maintained in all divisional units. The Operations Support Manager will also develop and provide Diversity and Inclusion Training to all Probation staff so that we will enhance exceptional customer service to the diverse clients we serve, and provide organizational awareness on Diversity and Inclusion concepts through employee training and engagement and continued innovation in our hiring practices. The Probation Department is committed to valuing diversity and practicing inclusion as our diverse workforce is our greatest asset and delivering exceptional customer service to the clients we serve is our number one priority.
This unit also promotes awareness of the Customer Service Initiative which further enhances our efforts to deliver the County of San Diego's mission of providing exceptional customer service to all clients and our vision of treating every customer with HEART – Helpfulness, Expertise, Attentiveness, Respect, and Timeliness. Probation's objective is to create a positive approach in the way we engage our clients, and enhance our relationships with one another in supporting our everyday work environment. One way to do this is through recognizing staff that go above and beyond their duties. This includes promoting unity, inclusion, and fostering positive experiences that can be highlighted regularly.
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