County Recognized for Promoting Sustainable Transportation Choices in the Workplace


Gas-powered, on-road transportation is the largest emission sector in the County’s greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory, accounting for 45% of the County’s GHGs in 2014. As one of the largest employers in the San Diego region with nearly 19,000 employees, the County reduces on-road transportation emissions by offering sustainable transportation choices to County employees.

The County’s 2018 Climate Action Plan Measure T-2.3 requires a 20% reduction in miles traveled by 2030 for County employee work commutes that are completed in standard gasoline fueled vehicles. To do this, the County works to increase the number of employees who telework and/or commute using alternative modes of transportation, including walking, biking, public transit, and carpool/vanpool.

Two men at a bike repair workshop

In 2020, the County began tracking commute reductions from employee telecommuting. Increased ability for County employees to telecommute resulted in the avoidance of more than 46 million vehicle miles in 2021, or 30 percent of the total miles driven if employees had worked from their respective offices.

In addition, the County works closely with SANDAG’s iCommute program and other regional partners to participate in employee education and outreach events to promote walking, biking, transit, and carpool/vanpool options available to them. For example, during the May 2022 Bike Month, the County hosted a Bicycle Safety and Repair Workshop at the County Operations Center, in partnership with the San Diego Bicycle Coalition.

iCommute award

Because of these successes, the County was recognized as the top tier, Platinum, of the iCommute Diamond Awards Program in 2022. The Program acknowledges employers across the San Diego region who develop and implement alternative commute programs to improve the region’s commute and reduce GHG emissions.