Climate Action Plan Update



On September 11, 2024 (Item 6), the County Board of Supervisors adopted the 2024 Climate Action Plan (2024 CAP). Through its implementation, the County will reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from activities within the unincorporated area and County operations to achieve a goal of net-zero emissions by 2045. In addition to reducing GHG emissions, the 2024 CAP will provide important benefits to residents, the environment, and economy by advancing environmental and social justice through preserving the environment, reducing health disparities, increasing access to green jobs, and improving quality of life. The CAP will also provide project streamlining benefits for housing and other discretionary development projects under the California Environmental Quality Act through the CAP Consistency Review Checklist.

The County will annually monitor implementation progress to track the effectiveness of each measure and action, update the emissions inventory at least every two years, and adjust as needed through CAP updates at least every five years to keep the County on track toward meeting its reduction targets. The 2018 CAP, which has guided emission reduction efforts since its adoption, will continue to be reported on through the end of 2024 as the County transitions to the 2024 CAP.

Climate Action Plan Timeline

Project Documents and Technical Reports

County of San Diego

The County has jurisdiction over the unincorporated areas within the county which are generally east and north of the City of San Diego, noted in dark green on the map. The unincorporated area encompasses approximately 3,570 square miles. A large portion of this area is covered by federal (including military installations), State, and Tribal lands that are outside the County’s jurisdiction. About 35%, or 807,000 acres, of the unincorporated county is privately owned and is divided into 23 Community Planning Areas under the County’s land use jurisdiction. In addition to privately owned land, the County also has influence over the approximately 430 County facilities that are located throughout the region, including those within incorporated cities.

Unincorporated Areas Map

2024 CAP Measures

Emissions reductions are achieved through the implementation of CAP measures that describe actions the County will take to develop policies, programs, and incentives through ongoing collaboration with stakeholders and the continuation of fostered partnerships in the community. Under the 2024 CAP, the County will implement 21 GHG reduction measures that incorporate 70 actions to reduce GHG emissions and achieve a goal of net zero carbon emissions by 2045.

The 2024 CAP is organized under five emissions reduction sectors:

Built Environment & Transportation


The Built Environment & Transportation sector outlines 6 measures that include 12 actions that decarbonize the on-road and off-road vehicle fleet and support active transportation to reduce single occupancy vehicle trips.



The Energy sector outlines 3 measures that include 6 actions that increase building energy efficiency, renewable energy, and electrification.

Solid Waste


The Solid Waste sector outlines 4 measures that include 4 actions that increase solid waste diversion and the availability of sustainable solid waste facilities.

Water & Wastewater


The Water & Wastewater sector outlines 3 measures that include 6 actions that decrease water use and increase stormwater collection and wastewater treatment efficiency.

Water & Wastewater


The Agriculture & Conservation sector outlines 5 measures that include 7 actions that preserve natural and agricultural lands and improve land management and agricultural practices to increase carbon storage.

CAP Update Project Resources

The 2024 CAP was developed with extensive public engagement and technical analysis as part of a multi-year CAP Update project. View all CAP Update public workshop presentations, project materials, and staff reports below.

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