Climate Action Stories, News, and Updates


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Welcome to the County of San Diego's climate action e-newsletter, featuring recent accomplishments, news, and data-driven status reports on the implementation of County sustainability programs and development of the Climate Action Plan Update.

SDFSA Annual Gathering Thumbnail

At the San Diego Food System Alliance's Fourth Annual Gathering for San Diego County Food Vision 2030, local food leaders emphasized collaboration to create a resilient, equitable food system!

Learn more about our staff's experience at the event.

Fellowship Testimonial Thumbnail

A Management Fellow recently spent a year working with the County's Office of Sustainability and Environmental Justice that fueled a passion for climate action, community engagement, and public service.

Read all about this impactful fellowship experience!

Green Friday Thumbnail

Skip the Black Friday rush and join the Green Friday movement to make a positive impact this holiday season. Discover sustainable shopping options, free park access, and more!

Find out how you can be a part of the Green Friday movement.

SD Winter Gardening Tips Thumbnail

Get your San Diego winter garden ready with cool-season veggies, native plants, and tree planting tips. From planting fresh greens to reviving California natives, these steps will keep your garden vibrant.

Learn how you can keep your garden thriving all winter!


Compost Voucher Program

In partnership with Waste Management of California, Inc., the County is offering vouchers to help cover the cost of compost and/or compost delivery to unincorporated area agricultural producers.

See if your agricultural operation qualifies for a voucher! 


Featured Dates

Connect with the Sustainability Planning Division on XFacebook, and Instagram!