

The Regional Decarbonization Framework is informed by scientific research. These are the publications that built the foundation of the RDF.

RDF Technical Report Cover

RDF Technical Report: a science-based analysis of decarbonization pathways that assesses how the San Diego region can get to zero carbon emissions in the largest emitting sectors of buildings, electricity, and transportation.  The RDF Technical Report was developed in cooperation with UC San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy, the University of San Diego (USD) Energy Policy Initiatives Center, and numerous other authors. Click here for a list of the 2022 Technical Working Group (PDF).


View the web and translatable version of the Summary for Policy Makers here to read the document in other languages.

RDF Workforce Development Study Cover

Workforce Development Study: titled “Putting San Diego County on the High Road: Climate Workforce Recommendations for 2030 and 2050” is a comprehensive regional strategy to address the workforce needs resulting from labor market changes related to decarbonization. The study documents and evaluates the local policy tools within the electric, transportation, buildings, and land use sectors to support improved worker and career outcomes and offers recommendations for a just transition into regenerative and restorative careers in infrastructure, resource management, and resiliency. This study was jointly authored by Dr. Carol Zabin (UC Berkeley Labor Center) and Betony Jones (Inclusive Economics).

Download the Workforce Development Study.


RDF Draft Playbook Cover

Let’s Get There Playbook: a resource guide created to support the RDF and offers a menu of actions to reduce GHG emissions that can be taken by organizations, local governments and agencies, and anyone in the region who wants to reduce their carbon footprint. The Playbook is intended to be an evolving resource for a range of stakeholders, including residents, local and regional governments, tribal governments, business, community, labor and environmental organizations. The playbook is currently available in draft form on the engagement portal at https://engage.sandiegocounty.gov/rdf.

Additional Resources:
