Tree Trimming
Trees are beautiful, and enhance the character of our neighborhoods. Unfortunately, trees can also cause problems.

Trees allowed to grow unchecked can cover signs or limit the distance you can see down a road. They can also grow into electrical wires. Some trees have aggressive root systems that can buckle and destroy sections of the sidewalk and road. For these reasons, we have to trim, and sometimes remove, trees.
As part of our commitment to customer service, we place notices on doors of homes in neighborhoods where we plan to trim trees. This gives you the opportunity to trim them yourself. If you choose not to, crews will trim the trees that are on County right-of-way at no cost to you.
If a tree is located on your property, you are responsible for damage or conditions caused by it. However, if tree branches are interfering with electrical lines it is dangerous to trim them yourself. Let the experts at San Diego Gas & Electric do the work. Their customer service telephone number is (800) 411-7343.
To find out if a tree is your responsibility, or to report a tree interfering with road visibility or your ability to read signs, please call (858) 694-3850. For additional information on roadside vegetation management within the County right-of-way, please refer to the County's Roadside Vegetation Management Program.