Active Transportation Plan
POD 14-006

The County of San Diego completed an update to the Bicycle Transportation Plan, Pedestrian Area Plans through the creation of an Active Transportation Plan (ATP), approved by the Board of Supervisors in October 2018. The ATP supports efforts to promote active transportation options through pedestrian and bicycle improvements in the unincorporated county. Development of the plan included and analysis of existing pedestrian and bicycle conditions.
Planning Commission Documents
The Draft Final ATP was presented to the Planning Commission for consideration and recommendation on September 21, 2018. The video recording and Planning Commission Report for that hearing can be found here.
Board of Supervisors Documents
The Draft Final ATP was presented to the Board of Supervisors for consideration on October 31, 2018, and was approved with minor adjustments to the bicycle facilities planned for the Julian Community Planning Area. Documents related to that hearing can be found here.
Active Transportation Plan Final Document
Final Active Transportation Plan (14MB)
Appendix A – Bike Network Map and Mobility Element Level of Traffic Stress (LTS) Maps (30MB)
Appendix B – ATP Toolbox (29MB)
Appendix C – User Demand Information (1MB)
Appendix D – Pedestrian Gap Analysis (PGA) and Report (60MB)
Appendix E – LTS Metadata (1MB)
Appendix F – Sample Projects (2.5MB)
Appendix G – Safe Routes to School Toolbox (22MB)
The ATP was funded by the State of California's Active Transportation Program and an Active Transportation Grant from the San Diego Association of Governments.