Casa Del Zorro Solar

PDS2019-AD-19-028; PDS2019-ER-19-11-003

The Project includes an Administrative Permit (PDS2019-AD-19-028).

The proposed project, Casa Del Zorro Solar, consists of an Administrative Permit (AD) for a 750kw photovoltaic solar energy systems for off-site use. The project site is located at 3845 Yaqui Pass Road in the Borrego Springs Community Plan area within the unincorporated County of San Diego. The Project would be located on a 6.72-acre parcel at the intersection of Yaqui Pass Road, Borrego Springs Road and Deep Well Trail. Access to the site would be provided by Deep Well Trail. The Project would require balanced cut and full of 182 cubic yards of material. The Project consists of a solar array utilizing single axis trackers with 2,322 395-watt (w) panels, six (6) 125kw inverters, and related electrical equipment. There are no emergency generators or storage batteries provided on site. The solar facility would be surrounded by a 6-foot-high chain link fence with neutral beigecolored slats. The proposed fencing would be setback a minimum of 50 feet from the edge of the existing roadway. The Project intends to provide service to the La Casa Del Zorro Resort located to the east of the Project site, on the other side of Yaqui Pass Road. The site is subject to the General Plan Regional Category Village, Land Use Designation Rural Commercial. Zoning for the site is Visitor-Serving Commercial (C42). The Project is consistent with the land use designations of the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance.

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Please direct any questions or formal comments to the project contact below.

Project Contact: Regina Ochoa | | (858) 495-5338


PUBLIC DISCLOSURE PERIOD (March 25, 2021 - April 26, 2021)