Dyke Major Grading Plan


The project is a major grading plan to rectify a grading violation for the Dyke project. The project involves 9,000 cubic yards of fill and 9,000 cubic yards of imports of material.  The project site is located off Taberna Vista in the Alpine Community Plan within unincorporated San Diego County.  The site is subject to the General Plan Village Regional Category, Limited Impact Industrial (I-1) Land Use Designation.  Zoning for the site is Limited Impact Industrial (M52).  The site is a vacant lot.  Access would be provided by a Taberna Vista Way, private road connecting to Tavern Road, public road.  (APN 403-380-64-00).

Comments on the proposed findings and associated analysis must be received no later than September 4, 2023, at 4:00 p.m. (a 32-day public review period).

Please direct any questions or formal comments to the project contact below.

Project Contact: Souphalak Sakdarak | Souphalak.Sakdarak@sdcounty.ca.gov | (619) 323-4869


PUBLIC REVIEW PERIOD (August 3, 2023 - September 4, 2023)