Greenhills Ranch Phase 2
PDS2016-SPA-16-001; PDS2016-REZ-16-002; PDS2016-TM-5611; LOG NO. PDS2016-ER-98-14-020B
The Project includes a Specific Plan Amendment (PDS2016-SPA-16-001), a Zone Reclassification/Rezone (PDS2016-REZ-16-002), and a Tentative Map (PDS2016-TM-5611).
The project includes a Specific Plan Amendment (SPA) to amend the Greenhills Ranch Specific Plan (GRSP) to include development specifications and regulations for Phase II of the GRSP; a Rezone will add the “D” Special Area Regulation to require a Site Plan; and the tentative map (TM) will subdivide the 36.03-acre site into 76 lots including 63 single family residential lots. Residential lots will range in size from 5,119 square feet to 11,578 square feet. Approximately 18.64 acres will be dedicated as open space on the TM. The project is located approximately 300 feet north of the intersection of Adlai Road and Audubon Road in the Lakeside Community Plan Area, in unincorporated San Diego County. The documents can also be reviewed at the Lakeside Branch Library, located at 9839 Vine Street, Lakeside, CA 92040.
Comments on this proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration and Specific Plan Amendment must be received no later than May 8, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. (a 46-day public review period).
Please direct any questions or formal comments to the project contact below.
Project Contact: Bianca Lorenzana | | (619) 510-2146
May 21, 2024 Update - Upcoming Board of Supervisors Hearing and Revised Project Documents
The Greenhills Ranch Phase 2 Project is scheduled for the June 5, 2024 Board of Supervisors Meeting. The Board Letter and attachments can be found at the following link on the June 5th, 2024 Board of Supervisors Meeting: Based on the February 29, 2024 Planning Commission Recommendation, several documents have been revised to incorporate their recommendation and clarify conditions. Copies of the revised documents are provided below:
January 31, 2024 Update - Responses to Comments, Wildfire Evacuation Plan, and Updated Specific Plan Amendment
Responses to the public comments received on the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) have been provided below in advance of the Planning Commission hearing on February 29, 2024. In addition, a Wildfire Evacuation Plan (WEP) was prepared to supplement the environmental analysis in the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and in response to comments received on the MND. The WEP has been provided in advance of the Planning Commission hearing, so the public has an opportunity to review the information. Recirculation of the WEP and/or MND is not required because the WEP does not identify new significant effects and does not make modifications to the MND. The Specific Plan Amendment (SPA) has been updated due to a minor correction to clarify that the Project Site is within a Resource Conservation Area designated in the Lakeside Community Plan. Recirculation of the updated SPA is not required because it does not identify new significant effects.
PUBLIC REVIEW PERIOD (March 23, 2023 - May 8, 2023)
A - Conceptual Landscape Plan and Photo-simulations
C - Biological Resources Report
D - Biological Resources Report Addendum
E - Cultural Resources Survey and Historical Evaluation
F - Geotechnical Investigation
G - Sewer Service Availability Letter
H - Global Climate Change Analysis Memorandum
J - Fire Service Availability Letter
K - Priority Development Project Stormwater Quality Management Plan
N - Traffic Impact Analysis and Appendices
Specific Plan Amendment Text: Preface, Volume 1 (SP-98-004), Volume 2 (SPA-16-001)