Work Furlough and Residential Re-Entry Center

The San Diego County Probation Department does not detain adults waiting for trial or serving jail commitments. For information on who's in jail, jail locations, and jail contact information, please contact the Sheriff's Department at (858) 974-2222 or the Sheriff's website.
Work Furlough & Residential Re-Entry Center Program
The Work Furlough (“WF”) and Residential Re-Entry Center ("RRC") Facility is operated by CoreCivic under contract with the County of San Diego and is located at 551 South 35th Street, San Diego, CA 92113. The WF/RRC facility houses both male and female county inmates. WF and RRC are sentencing alternatives that allow inmates to maintain or search for employment while serving a custodial commitment.
Work Furlough Screening & Program Requirements
The WF/RRC facility is a community-based custodial setting that provides opportunities for inmates to work or job search and interact in the community while still under custody supervision. As such, WF and RRC inmates must show maturity and stability while both in the WF facility and the community.
Participants in the Work Furlough Program are allowed to check out of the facility to go to work, and they are required to return to the facility each day as soon as the workday is completed. The majority of participants are required to take public transportation; however, some participants are approved to drive with proper documentation.
Participants in the Residential Re-Entry Center Program, inmates must be on formal probation with at least 30 days of actual custody time. RRC participants generally will have 90 days to secure full-time employment. They are required to attend programming and job search at the facility and in the community until employed.
WF/RRC participants can also attend school (if approved), religious services, and programs like SB38, First Conviction Program, Anger Management and other court-ordered counseling. Alcoholics Anonymous/Narcotics Anonymous are offered weekly on-site at the WF/RRC facility. Participant's family and friends are able to visit on the weekends at the WF/RRC facility.
Each client sentenced for custody to the WF or RRC program will have his or her case reviewed on an individual basis for approval by the Probation Department's Work Furlough Oversight unit. Clients who pose a danger to the community or do not meet employment standards will not be accepted into the program.
All felony cases will require defense attorneys to complete an electronic screening form in order to screen a case for WF/RRC eligibility. Attorneys please complete the Screening Form and submit it via e-mail to
Cases are only screened with attorneys and probation officers. The screening officer will respond within 24 business hours of submission. The San Diego County Probation Department has the final authority over the placement of clients into the WF and RRC Program.
The following areas of inquiry are included in the screening process for a Work Furlough/Residential Re-Entry Center commitment:
- Instant offense/Criminal history
- P.O. Sentencing Recommendation/Plea Agreement
- Employment
- Drug and Alcohol History
- Mental Health
- Citizenship- must be in United States legally
- Family Financial Support
Criminal History Criteria
Any client facing a local custody commitment may be a candidate for the WF or RRC Program. The presence of the following factors may result in a denial for the programs:
- Sale or transportation of large amounts of drugs or narcotics in the instant offense or a recent history of serious drug involvement or addiction
- History of assaultive and/or violent behavior
- History of use of a weapon
- History of serious mental illness
- Offenses resulting in the loss of substantial amounts of money
- Sex offenses (a record of sex crimes will call for closer scrutiny during the screening process due to the increased risk posed to the community by sex offenders)
Employment Criteria for Work Furlough
Attorneys should also call the Work Furlough/Residential Re-entry Center Representative at (619) 871-1858 for assistance in determining if a candidate may meet eligibility criteria.
Participants must be gainfully employed at least 35 hours per week in an occupation that allows on-site job checks and telephone checks by Work Furlough staff.
- The job cannot be directly related to the instant offense.
- The job cannot involve the use of weapons.
- The job cannot involve access to another’s personal information (PC4017.1 - i.e. acceptance of personal checks or access to personal information such as social security numbers, banking information, etc.)
- The participant must be able to work legally in the United States.
- The participant’s job must be in San Diego County.
- The facility operates twenty-four hours a day so varied work hours can be accommodated.
- The maximum allowable amount of work hours is 72 hours per week (including travel time).
- All work hours for which a participant is signed out of the facility must be actual work hours. Participants are not permitted to have down time between work hours while checked out of the facility (i.e. cab drivers, shuttle drivers, delivery drivers etc.) and must earn the prevailing minimum wage for each hour worked. This also applies to commission based jobs.
- Participants who are self-employed must have proof of business license, 1099s, work out of an office space, have a landline etc. If a participant works out of their garage, it must be detached from the residence with its own landline and bathroom facilities.
Download the Reporting Checklist to utilize in preparation for report date.