Gillespie Field Terminal Building
Gillespie Field Terminal Building


Sustainability Management Plan Cover 2024Sustainability Management Plan 2024 (v.1)

The County of San Diego is committed to achieving a sustainable future for San Diego and County Airports are contributing to that effort by working towards more sustainable airport facilities and maintenance operations.  County Airports have introduced a number of improvements over the years to reduce consumption and improve facility sustainability, such as installing drought tollerant landscaping to save water, using solar as a source of electrical power and by converting to hybrid and all-electric vehicles where posible to reduce the amount of gasoline used.

Airports Sustainability Management Plan

In 2024, County Airports pulled together the numerous sustainability options avialable into one single Sustainability Management Plan.  This plan is a living document meant to guide Airports staff and tenants when considering facility improvements and operations.



Airport Sustainability News

Loop EV Chargers

Installation of Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations at Gillespie Field and McClellan-Palomar Airports for County Airport Vehicles

In support of our expanding fleet of hybrid and fully-electric vehicles for our airport operations and maintenance teams, we have installed additional EV chargers at both Gillespie Field and McClellan-Palomar airports.  While we have long had charging units for our hybrid vehciles, these new units add more capacity and provide extra charging points for our fleet. 






Ford F-150 LightningFord F-150 Lightning

Fully electric vehicles entering County Airports fleet. Having previously added plug-in hybrid vehicles, in the summer of 2023 we added three Ford F-150 Lightning electric vehicles (EVs) to replace gasoline fueled vehicles within our Airports fleet. Work on installing rapid EV charging stations to support these vehciles is taking place at Gillespie Field and after a number of months of use, staff report the vehicles work well on the airport and also have plenty of range to travel to and from our outlying facilities. As future EV technologies develop and a wider range of vehicles become avialble, County Airports will look to continue to expand our fleet of EVs and reduce our use of gasoline.