Construction and Demolition Recycling FAQ's
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Forms, FAQ's, & Ordinance
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Debris Management Plan estimates the types and
quantities of materials that will be generated during your project.
If you need assistance with the plan, the County has developed a
Baseline Generation Worksheet which makes estimating your tonnage
very easy. Please contact Stephanie Ewalt at (858) 694-2458 or for the generation worksheet.
Debris Management Permit Instructions
Debris Recycling Calculator: This form will
help you to calculate the tonnages for your the initial estimates on
the Debris Management Plan.
Request for Exception: please fill out this
form if you do not believe you need a Debris Management Permit. See
form for details.
Final Debris Management Plan: final account of
all types and quantities of materials that were generated on the
project. This is a request for refund and must be submitted with
receipts or other proof of recycling.
Daily Log: A daily log is required onsite. For
each construction or demolition site for which the C&D permit is
issued, the permitee shall maintain a daily
log for all construction or demolition debris that leaves the
site along with receipts for any disposal or recycling facility.
The daily log must be available for inspection at all times. If no
log is present, a citation may be issued.
Recycling Receipt Template: to be used as a
template receipt for materials facilities or pick up (not
Infeasibility Exemption Form: If it is
infeasible for the project to meet the requirements to recycle 90%
of inert and 70% of all other materials, the applicant may apply for
an exemption. If an exemption is granted, the Solid Waste Planning
and Recycling Section of the Department of Public Works shall
determine what percentage of construction and demolition debris the
applicant is required to recycle.
Financially Responsibility Form
Construction and Demolition Recycling Bond
Construction and Demolition Debris Recycling
Ordinance: Effective April 21, 2007, debris from construction
and demolition projects greater than 40,000 square feet must be
diverted away from landfill disposal in the unincorporated County of San Diego. The
ordinance requires that 90% of inerts and 70% of all other materials must be recycled from your
project. In order to comply with the Ordinance, applicants must
submit a Debris Management Plan and a fully refundable
Guarantee prior to building permit issuance.
Construction and Demolition List of Recycling
Facilities (Quick guide)
Construction and
Demolition Links
C&D Power Point - Building Industry
Association Workshop
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